02 April 2006

peter gunn vs audrey hepburn

So what do you do when you are stuck in the Athens International Airport for 6 hours, and are unable to leave because you have NO (zero, nada, ziltch) money? You sit. And you read. And you listen to your MP3 player. If you are lucky, like me, you have a large collection of some weird stuff. Official Soundtrack for today: the varied works of Henry Mancini. Every one of his songs fits a different possible mood you may have over 5 hours. Nothing makes the seemingly endless boredom more fun than seeing who, in the bustling mass of people who constantly walk by, is walking in step to the Baby Elephant Walk. Next, wanna feel like an international spy typing important messages into your laptop? Why, click over to the theme from the Pink Panther, or just as good, the theme from Peter Gunn. Suddenly that fat woman who only a song ago made you laugh because she was “the baby elephant” is now Helga Vitripchova, Head Undercover Agent of the Greek Wing of the KGB.

Once you are done saving the world from those nefarious double-agents, the “Sweetheart Tree” comes on and makes you think, once again, about that new girl who since yesterday has never been far from your thoughts. After this beautiful little song ends, “Moon River” comes on and you try to act like you are a tough guy and not listening to the most poignant song ever written.

Finally once you get all in the lovey-dovey, life-is-all-roses-and-wine mood, the second greatest movie theme-music composer, John Williams, comes on and you become Darth Vader!! Love flies right outta your head and your only desire is to rule the Universe!! “Wooooh-hoooh {Darth Vader sounds} What is thy bidding, my Master?”


cinnamon girl said...

I love henry mancini.
Are you going to write about jordan?

Anonymous said...

hahaha! poo!!

Anonymous said...

AND THEN......????!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey andy-
ruth gave me the link to your site... i must say you've been up to some pretty cool stuff! i don't know if you're returning to bulgaria, but a bulgarian kid here showed me some photos of cool places in his country (http://photo-forum.net/joro/)...who knows, maybe you'll get to go see them in person. happy travels! -sowmya

Anonymous said...

*FAKE british accent* I've got a cat bum bum in my face!