Wednesday was March 1st, or in Bulgaria Баба Марта (Baba Marta, "Grandma March"). This is a purely Bulgarian holiday to celebrate the coming spring, but few are sure how it started. Some say it has a historical connection to the founding father of Bulgaria, Han Asparouk. But today the holiday is celebrated by giving red and white bracelets or pins (Мартеници, Martenitsi) to friends and loved ones. They have all kinds of Martenitsi too, some have tassels, some have blue clasps, others have chalga singers, football teams or, my favorite, Alf. The white is supposed to symbolize a long life and red, health. According to tradition, when you see the first stork or swallow of the year, you are supposed to tie your martenitsa to a tree or bury it under a rock and you will have good health for the rest of the year.

I went a little overboard with Martenitsi. I am currently wearing 14 on my wrists. I just kept getting them as gifts from people and I didn't want to offend anyone so I kept putting them on. Now I am stuck with them until I see a swallow or stork. Or the end of March, whichever comes first. It's a neat tradition though, because now wherever you go you see people sporting these things. Little kids, police officers, bus drivers, drunk old guys, everyone! Even the guys at the Atacka rally {see next post}... 11th grade gave me a huge Martenitsa with two traditional figures: the guy is Пижо (Pijo) and the woman is Пенда (Penda). I'm not wearing this martenitsa though, I'm not that hard core...

1 comment:
pause. you went to an attaka rally? uh, i bet that was nice and weird. and. scary.
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