22 March 2006

"say hello to my little friend!"

Well, today I woke up with a headache from a na-gosti with my upstairs neighbors and didn't feel like going to school. But I noticed something different this morning: I could see! The sun got up before me! That meant only one thing, spring is here!

Still, my head was throbbing and even this little good news couldn't shake it. But, then what was that that just whizzed by my window? Could it be? Yes, it was! The first swallow of the year! As Krali freaked out, trying to pounce through the window, I threw open the curtains to make sure. Yes, it was, the very first swallow!
Normally, I don't get that excited by seeing a little bird, but this year, I am celebrating Baba Marta and still wearing 14 martenitsi on my wrists. With the arrival of this swallow, I was now allowed to take of these red and white (and stinky) bracelets and pins and hang them on trees. And so I did. All the way to school...

I hope you have a great day, (Especially you Sarah, all this pain will pass...). Here in Bobov Dol it is nice and sunny and I can even believe that winter is over. Welcome spring, good riddence Baba Marta, and hello
life without long-johns!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

HEY! it is gorgeous here too! I was under the impression that you had to see a stork to take off the martenitzis. My students were like you may never see a stork this far north. i was like, hmmm, interesting, what do i do then. no one seemed to have a definitive answer. i have lots of stuff to tell you. the plot continues to thicken... Unfortunately, google hates me.
thanks for the prayers/good thoughts. they mean alot.
this is my first comment using blogger! weeee! so fun!