Who throws a better wedding, Bulgaria or America?
10. America: Bride wears white.
Bulgaria: Bride wears gray.
9. America: Gifts are put on a table by the entrance.
Bulgaria: Groom, bride, best man and maid of honor come to each table looking for money.
America: 1
8. America: Wedding in church, then party.
Bulgaria: Wedding in city hall, then the church, then the party.
Bulgaria: 1
7. America: No crowns...
Bulgaria: Crowns!
Bulgaria: 1
6. America: No horo
Bulgaria: Horo.
Bulgaria: 1
5. America: Bride didn't smoke.
Bulgaria: Bride smoked like a chimney.
America: 1
4. America: No one threw anything.
Bulgaria: Bouqet AND garter throwing!
3. America: Everyone gets pimped out.
Bulgaria: Bride gets pimped out.
America: 1
2. America: Groom carried bride into party tent so she wouldn't have to step in any puddles.
Bulgaria: No carrying...except the big bag of extorted money.
America: 2
1. America: Best best man speech in the world!
Bulgaria: Some random dude gave a speech... and it was all in Bulgarian!
America: 10!
Final Score:
America: 16
Bulgaria: 5
Sorry, Bulgaria. I still had a good time. Enjoy the pictures!

Dont even get me started on the gift table!
I'm sorry you didn't get to see a "normal" wedding in Bulgaria where the bride wears white or where the groom and his family come to the brides house, the groom "pays" to her family and take her on his hand to carry her to his home.. and some other interesting actions :))
Andi, you was there but you understand nothing about a bulgarian wedding. Groom & bride don't come to each table looking for money, they come to greeting you. You can give them a gift, money or nothing. Your choice.
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