28 April 2007

new hampshire: 2 steps forward, 1 step back

I leave New Hampshire for two years and finally exciting things happen. The state becomes democratic, we get civil unions, and now we have two nuts in Plainfield, Ed and Elaine Brown, who are refusing to pay federal taxes in excess of $750,000. They have recently been sentenced by the federal courts to five years in prison and fined for the full amount of back taxes. But instead of facing the music and doing the right thing, they are fortifying their home in preparation of a siege.

Their logic is wrapped up in typical small town militia mindset: the federal system is corrupt, we don't have to answer to anyone but God, there is a "new world order" conspiracy... But the thing that gets me is the glaring contradiction. What would happen if a Muslim couple did this? What if a Muslim group refused to recognize a court by even showing up, refused to face their punishment, fortified their home with weapons and then posted everything on the web, including solicitation of violence against law enforcement and federal employees? I'm sure that the Department of Homeland would be there in a heartbeat. Instead authorities seem happy to wait for them to accumulate more weapons and more supporters (they are still allowed to have guests) and in the meantime ignore the rule of law.

I don't like paying taxes. I hate seeing how much money I am losing every payday. But I understand, as most rational people do that our taxes are being used to do things that we as individuals could not accomplish. Being here in Bulgaria makes me appreciate those things more and more. I have come to appreciate the things our federal government does to protect its citizens. In most places in America you can drink water right out of the tap, thanks to federal laws like the Clean Water Act. You can feel safe that the toothpaste, medicine or soap you are buying really contains the ingredients it says it does and will accomplish the things it says it will. You can buy food that is safe, untampered and unspoiled. Most places in America are subject to the rule of law. You don't have to fear saying something that might upset the local Don or gang boss. You have reliable electricity, water, postal and phone service. You have an effective road and highway system. You are protected at work from accidents and greedy bosses. And while these things might not always work 100% effectively, if something goes wrong you have a recourse for your grievances, a recourse that does not require having the largest guns, or the biggest army or the most money.

I think that if this couple really wants to live without paying their taxes, let them. But don't let them ride free on the services and infrastructure that the rest of us are paying for. If they feel that the federal system is wrong, fine. Then they won't mind losing their electricity. Federal regulations ensure that we don't have a monopoly and subsidies help private companies provide better service. I guess they also don't mind losing their phones and Internet. Again, our communications system is built upon years and years of federal funding and laws. No more water for the Browns, at least no more clean water. I sure hope they have a well that hasn't met certified levels of lead and other contaminants or else, sorry, they can't use that either. Mail, nope, that too is organized by the federal government. Roads? I hope they aren't expecting any out of state guests because it might take them a while to arrive if they don't use any interstate highways. I hope they don't need to make a 911 call because guess where New Hampshire got major funding for its state-wide 911 system? That's right, the Feds. And while they may say how corrupt law enforcement is and that they are a bunch of thugs doing the dirty work of the federal government, I'm sure they would prefer these thugs over any other group of nuts with more and bigger guns. Because once you start complaining about the federal government and calling for its downfall, you are attacking the very system that lets you say that. I would love to see how long Mr. and Mrs. Brown like living their anarchist dream without electricity, water, communication, safety and security.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown and all who inhabit the same imaginary planet, stop with the fantasy. We all know how this is going to end, you will lose, and you will end up hurting a lot of innocent people.


Anonymous said...

See, Andy, the problem is that I am NOT yielding my title as "The Only True Moderate in America." So you're going to have to choose whether to lean a little more to the left or to the right. Maybe you can be an APPRENTICE "True Moderate."

The Tsar said...

I hated the title "moderate" when I was younger. I always considered myself a radical or punk. Now I find that I am moderating and accepting some more conservative views. I will allow you to keep your title if you promise that I do not have to slide more to the right...

Anonymous said...

It's a deal. Perhaps we moderates should start calling ourselves "Aristotelians" or "Wise Ones" or something that sounds less wishy-washy than "moderate."