12 November 2005

my new boss

Well, apartment 17 has a new resident. I would like to introduce everyone to "кралица (princess)" or "крали" for short. Her name is pronounced like "Krali" for all you non-Cyrillic readers. I wasn't sure if I wanted the responsibility of a little kitten. One of my neighbors, though found this rascal in the coal celler, all alone and cold and the sap that I am, I couldn't say no. Here's us this morning. We'll see how this works out... Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

uhhh...what's with your hair, hot stuff? your kitty is super cute.

Maegen said...

Sarah, I love how I can always recognize you, even if it's only in words! I love you chica and am SO excited that I'll get to see you in 2 weeks!

oh, and andy too