But first some ground rules for this thing:
1. Besides the first sentence, you will not find the B-word on here. That word isn't even a real word. Instead, this will be a set of dispatches. Dispatch is a real word. The B-word is fu-fu.
2. I am lazy and will not write everyday. I admit it now. Please do not base your life on the regular publication of these dispatches.
3. There will be no attacks whatsoever on me. I am the Tsar. I control everything that is published here. Sorry, thems the brakes. If somehow, you are technically savvier than me and sneak something on here, I will hunt you down. I promise.
4. There will be no nice things said about the NY Yankees. Infact, there is another phrase that is banned. From now on, if you wish to refer to that team, please use the new term "sissy-babies who can't beat the Red Sox even though they are the highest paid team in baseball."
5. Please watch your language here. My parents are going to read this. And if you were scared by the threat in #3, wait till you tick off my parents!
6. This is a serious set of dispatches. There will be no humor. Okay thanks and hope you come again!
I would like to first congratulate myself for being the first person to comment on your blog. Oh, are you going to delete this comment for using the word "blog." By "word," I mean combined set of letters with which we produce a sound that carries a defined meaning. I just wanted to make sure we are on the same terms for the usage of the word "word" since you say "blog" is not a word.
And about that... You can oppose the practice of changing a word to make a new one, like verbing a noun (journaling, scrap-booking), even though tacking on suffixes is the beautiful way our English language can change a word from one part of speech to another. You can oppose the simplification of sentences... "I'm watering the plants" rather than, "I'm pouring water on the plants," where, since "water" is the most important concept, we make it into a verb (or, "verb it"). It is feasible, while not at all reasonable or practical to oppose these types of changes. But, Andy, it is just not possible to completely avoid adding new words to our lovely language as the needs arise. Perhaps, if society ceased to progress and there were no new developments in economy, business, education, science, technology, etc. That, thank God, is not the case.
So I'll use the word processor on my laptop to blog and journal. I'll upload my posts to the internet using an add-on.
Andy, welcome to the blogging world! Now that you've entered it (don't deny it, you've entered), I expect to see a comment every once in a while on my "dispatch."
Oh man I'm SO excited you have a blog! Why didn't you tell me!? I too have one, except mine is a total and complete indulgence of ME. And I like it that way. Because I am SPECIAL, DAMMIT! So...since you don't seem too keen on self-indulgences, you might not want to read it. BUT, in case you do... jessicool.blogspot.com Woohoo! (Uh, by the way, this is Jessica.)
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