20 December 2005

frustrated with bulgarian

Top Ten List of Why English is Awesome:
10. There are no rolling Rs.
9. Passive tense. At some time in your life, your butt will be saved by it.
8. Indirect object, direct object: yeah they’re the same.
7. No gender agreement (kinda like my life…).
6. The biggest vocabulary in the world!!
5. At the most, in any tense, there are only two conjugations.
4. Most of the world’s movies are produced in English.
3. What other language has “onomatopoeia”?
2. Definite article: “the.” Always. Don’t take that for granted.
1. And the number one reason why English is awesome: I totally get it!


Anonymous said...

Andy, there is onomatopoeia in this language, except it's completely different. Cats in America go, "Meow, meow," or "mew, mew," but here, apparantly, they go, "mees, mees." Now tell me...WHAT'S THAT ABOUT.

Arin_C said...

I know you have it in your list but I think it should be said again. No gender. A chair isn't male or female. IT'S A CHAIR!!!!!