I went snowboarding in Bansko this weekend with Arin, Maegen, and Maegen’s counterpart, Yulia. It was pretty sweet, though the trails weren’t quite as challenging as I would have liked. The views were absolutely beautiful, much more beautiful than any ski area in New Hampshire. Though I think the skier etiquette in New Hampshire is a little bit better. Halfway through the day, I was tearing down this trail and was in good control when some yahoo cut me off. Trying to avoid hitting him and a group of guys in the middle of trail who decided that it was a good place to talk, I busted my ass and went face first down the slope. I clipped two of the afore-mentioned guys with my board and their skis flew off it several directions. When I finally came to a stop, I realized that my tail bone had taken the brunt of the crash. The guys limped over to me and asked if I was okay. I was a little dazed and forgot to ask the same. But I could tell by the things they said to each other about me that at least their jaws weren’t injured. Next time, a place a little cheaper and fewer crazy guys.
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