26 January 2006

funny brownies

     Today was my second day of my mini-vacation. What did I do? Not much of anything. I taught my lessons at the prison. I baked some “molasses squares” but seeing as I can’t find molasses in Bulgaria, I used dark honey. A colleague of mine has a birthday party tomorrow and she loves trying American sweets. These sweets taste a little weird though. I don’t know if I burned them or the fumes from my stove got into them. Fumes from a stove? Yeah forgot to mention that… Since July I have been having an on-again/off-again relationship with my stove. Sometimes it decides to work and sometimes it decides to blow up. So today the municipality made good on its October promise to get me a new one. But as soon as I start trying to cook with it this evening, smoke starts pouring out of it. Like the idiot I am I keep going. “Maybe, this is what happens with all new appliances” I say. I leave the kitchen to write some emails and return to check on my fake-molasses squares and my kitchen is full of smoke that smells oddly like burning paint. I open a window and keep going. Now my fake-molasses squares taste like… burning paint. And honey. And my lungs feel funny.
     Lesson learned: I’m not quite sure, I think I lost that brain cell when I was cutting up the squares…


Unknown said...

Andy. You really are a moron.

The Tsar said...

Once again, Things that could have been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!

Anonymous said...

To Andy's credit, he can make rice really well, like...flawless. AND can scramble eggs and make oatmeal like nobody's business! so really- who needs brownies??